Wild Indigo Essence
embark on a journey of personal healing

Schedule Appointment


Hours of availability are Mon - Fri (4:30pm - 8pm) and Sat / Sun (9am - 8pm).

After you've booked your appointment, please ensure to come back and submit payment here
(if not otherwise redirected). Thank you.

Service address effective June 1, 2024:

2374 Sugar Maple St NE,
Menomonie Wisconsin 54751
Thank you.
Biofield Tuning
Biofield Tuning

Identify and neutralize periods of stress in your biofield
$88 / session

Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls

Finding the right tune to get back in balance
$55 / session

Flower Essence
Flower Essence

Healing emotional blockages
$66 initial consultation. $10 / bottle

Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing

A crystal for every ailment
$99 / session

Thank you