Wild Indigo Essence was formed in September 2020, but created years prior in my heart, when I first became aware of the power of vibrational medicine.
I began my own healing quest and applied everything I learned inward, on myself, and transformed much, both physically and spiritually. I became so fascinated with vibrational medicine and energy healing in general, that I spent the last year training with the best people and acquiring Practitioner certifications and then I started Wild Indigo Essence. I not only saw the transformation in myself but was graced with witnessing many transformations in my clients. I am in awe, every time, of the unlimited power of vibrational medicine. I am equally amazed how the vibrational energy can wake up another’s healing power, just by sheer will. For I am not the healer – and I will never claim to be. What I can do for you is help you discover your own powerful healing mechanism within you.
Healing the body first from a vibrational standpoint opens the door for the physical body to begin to heal. More important, the physical body begins to remember it has the capacity to heal itself; a self-correcting mechanism if you will. Over time, because of environmental influences and/or emotional programming, our bodies lost the ability to fight or correct itself, due to an overwhelming influx of incoherent frequencies. That’s where vibrational medicine comes in – to entrain your body, your heart and mind and soul to heal itself.
Flower essences treat the cause of distress by energetically working with your body’s meridian systems, impacting the mental and emotional bodies, and filtering down to the physical.
Working with the bowls’ harmonics, our body goes into a state of repose, or complete relaxation, which allows you to hone your own awareness to imbalances and your power to heal.
Using the vibrations of various tuning forks, we identify and neutralize or release trapped or incoherent energy (from our past experiences) and return the bio-photonic light to your body.