Not so easily defined really, but in a nutshell, chakras are spinning wheels or energy centers located in and around the physical body, that are simultaneously receiving and sending information to and from you every second of every day.
These wheels or energy centers are spinning vortices and are your main hubs for receiving or gathering energy for the body, mind, soul, spirit. Your chakras tell you when energy is free-flowing and when there are blockages needing release.
There are seven main chakras in the body, but many more in and around the body. The seven main or most common are -from bottom to top: Root, Sacral or Splenic, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. They are the most commonly known, and correspond to certain organs and systems of the physical body.
Crown Chakra Location: top and center of head Color: Purple/Violet, White, Gold Honors the spiritual connectedness Third Eye Chakra Location: between the eyebrows Color: Indigo Honors the Psychic Throat Chakra Location: front and base of neck, at the hollow of the collarbone Color: Light Blue Honors Communication Heart Chakra Location: At the center of the chest Color: Green/Pink/Magenta Honors the heart Solar Plexus Chakra Location: Two inches above the navel Color: Yellow Honors the life force Sacral / Splenic Plexus Chakra Location: Two inches below the navel Color: Orange Honors the creative Root Chakra Location: at the perineum and base of spine Color: Red Honors the earth
Flower essences treat the cause of distress by energetically working with your body’s meridian systems, impacting the mental and emotional bodies, and filtering down to the physical.
Working with the bowls’ harmonics, our body goes into a state of repose, or complete relaxation, which allows you to hone your own awareness to imbalances and your power to heal.
Using the vibrations of various tuning forks, we identify and neutralize or release trapped or incoherent energy (from our past experiences) and return the bio-photonic light to your body.