Wild Indigo Essence
embark on a journey of personal healing


Mother Earth Has the Cure

Flower essences are another vibrational healing remedy that assists one in healing emotional blockages, or disconnections between ourselves and Nature.  Remember, our physical bodies are reacting to the frequencies all around us. 

Understanding this, one can begin to appreciate the very real aspect of illness beginning outside the physical body, as a reverberating response to a myriad of factors (trauma, abuse, stress, etc.) and if not dealt with, will eventually manifest itself as pain, depression, illness or disease in the physical body. 
Flower Essence
Flower Essence

Healing emotional blockages
$66 initial consultation. $10 / bottle

$66 initial consultation & one followup
Contact Us - Schedule Here
Flowers and their petals are the very essence and the highest concentration of life force on the planet.  They are life force energy in a dew drop!  They are the vibrational and energetic imprint of the plant in a body of water, with the light of the sun creating a vibrational energy pattern in that water.  That vibration represents the highest intelligence of the wisdom of the plant.  By taking in drops of that energy-patterned, sunlit water, you begin to receive the healing benefits of that particular flower.  You heal yourself by positive thoughts, from the energetic wavelengths or essences of the flowers.  Over time, over multiple doses, those wavelengths grow in strength and magnitude.  So, one may or may not feel anything from one dose, but over the course of many doses, the effects will be evident.  

Much like the Earth, we all have an acupuncture meridian system with energy that flows throughout our inner physical body.  These meridians are connected to certain organs and endocrine systems. Through the course of navigating “life,” this flow can become blocked or unbalanced in certain areas of the meridians.  This imbalance or blockage can lead to illness and disease in the physical body.  Energy disturbances in the body’s biofield precedes the manifestation of illness, pain, disease, etc. in the physical body.

Flower Essences, like acupuncture, travel through the duct-like tubule system of the meridians – bypassing all other areas of the body and zeroing in on the area or areas in need of assistance or relief.

Founded by Dr. Edward Bach, flower essences administer energy at a higher vibratory rate.  To quote Bach: “Fear, by its depressing effect on our mentality, thus causes disharmony in our physical and magnetic bodies and paves the way for [bacterial] invasion.  The real cause of our disease lies in our own personality.”  Flower Essences energetically impact and work at the level of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and then filters down to the physical body, treating the cause of the distress.

Flower Essences are used in many homeopathic practices before and after surgery, dental work, to treat burns, pain – even Fibromyalgia – with great success.

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Flower Essences
Flower Essences

Healing emotional blockages

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Contact us for a free consultation or book here.